15 Dec 2010

T-SQL Snippets

FAO bizTech Team : Add frequently used SQL Snippets here.


Get Yesterday’s Date without, any time

-- Add -1 to current time + format without hours
Select DATEADD (day , -1 , CONVERT(varchar(10), getdate(), 101) )

T-SQL Get dates on a specific day when you don't care about time

Quite often I have to write queries to return rows where something happened on a specific day. But the values in the table could be anytime within that day.
Previous I would pass in a start date, end date to do this, but the query then needs 2 parameters and it looks a bit cumbersome.
I came across this method which I now employ. Don't know if this has much performance impact, but it certainly is quicker to code and takes less parameters from calling application.
DateDiff(day, @ReportStartDate,TerminalSession.StartDate) = 0
--StartDate >= @ReportStartDate
--EndDate >= @ReportEndDate

bizTech Software : Development Blog: How to enter Rule fours in Arkle Version 2.7.34 or later

bizTech Software : Development Blog: How to enter Rule fours in Arkle Version 2.7.34 or later

How to enter Rule fours in Arkle Version 2.7.34 or later

Application : Arkle bet POS
Markets | Horse Racing | Edit Early Prices

Enter the race time, in the race time text box, as shown below.

Select the specific race in the Rule four grid shown above

Enter the Rule four and click apply

14 Dec 2010

Configuring Directory Browsing ASP.NET 4.0 Web.Config Snipper

<location path="releases/arkle/arklefeed">
    <directoryBrowse enabled="true" />

Note: this also enables browsing on any subdirectories.

This code snippet is brough to you by: Web Design by bizTech Software.

Foreign Racing Not Settling Properly

Arkle betPos has recently had an issue with Foreign racing not settling properly.
This is due to no SPs being returned on these races.

Some customers have mentioned that these races settle correctly in other bet settling systems.  The reason they do not settle in Arkle, is that for daily SIS supplied racing, we always waiting until an SP was in before settling any selections.  This was to prevent settling in the case of an SP being missed.  We assume the other bet settling systems use the last supplied price and assume it is the SP.  We are amending Arkle to do this for meetings that SIS don’t supply an SP for, but are continuing with our belt and braces policy for UK, IRE races.

Below is our communication with SIS on this issue.


With Arkle Feed 2.2.01 and above you should no longer have an issue for the current meetings with no SP (however any new meetings/tracks added may cause problems, unless SIS provide a permanent solution to let us distinguish between an SP race and a non SP race).



Is there anything in the SIS event that distinguishes between a meeting that will supply an SP, and a meeting that will not?

At the moment we are just having to hardcode this by meeting name.

This is currently the header information we receive with a meeting.


Rachel O'Reilly

to me, Aoife

show details 14:57 (52 minutes ago)


I will pass this on to technical for you!



9 Dec 2010

How to send an error report from within Arkle

  • While you have the relevant Bet Slip or Error on screen, Type Control + Print Screen at the same time on your keyboard  (This copies the current screen image to your clipboard)
  • Help|Send Error Report
  • Click on the Add Image button (This pastes the image that is in your clipboard to the error report) 
  • Fill in the details of the error within the error description box. (Please include Bet slip ID's and full details of the error within this.)
  • You may also need to send us an image of the race result:
    • Right click on the relevant selection
    • Result|View Result
    • Again Type Control + Print Screen at the same time on your keyboard 
    • Click on the Add Image button (This pastes the result image that is in your clipboard to the error report)
    • Please include Bet slip ID's that link this result image with relevant error report.
  • Click: Send Report button(this automatically sends the error report to support@biztechsoftware.co.uk) 
  • At this stage you can amend any bets if a customer is waiting. 
  • Notify the support team via a messenging program(Skype, MSN Messenger, etc) or by telephone if it is urgent(Urgent = Customers are being served)